
Week 7

Exploring data, observation drawings review by Jan Rothuizen AND a survey!

Instructional video week 7

Exercise Data Exploration
Explore a dataset you found on your subtopic or use the dataset we made for you about the room drawings:
Here you can find the room drawings datasheet:
Here you can find the room drawings visual data (the actual drawings):

Explore the dataset. Can you discover any patterns? Can you discover outliers? (outliers are values that are rare in the dataset)

– Make one sketch of an interesting pattern you find in the dataset
– And make one graph with a simple tool you can use for exploring data

Tools you could use are:
-WTF cvs ( or some of the other tools of Databasic.io
-Google My Maps:

-Google sheets (please check last week’s guest lecture with Laurens)
Laurens Aarnoudse, guest lecture Finding and Exploring data, part 4:

Exploring and finding patterns:

Visual explorations:

Final sketch showing the type of bed covers per country:

This simple graph (bar chart) Maaike made with WTFcsv tool from, showing the variable ‘paper’ into four categories from the dataset Data Drawings Data Sheet:

Here’s another simple graph (word cloud) I made with showing the variable ‘remarks on the wall’ from the dataset Data Drawings Data Sheet:

Reviews of drawings with Jan Rothuizen:

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

Do the survey!
To help you with data collection on your subtopic we created a survey. It’s important to fill the survey out if you want to keep on joining Cross Cultural Data Literacy. So if you like to be a part of the project, please fill out the survey! The survey is anonymous, we only collect your answers,, not your name or your e-mail address. We will share the outcome of the survey only with you, the participants of Cross Cultural Data Literacy.
Link to survey:

Tasks for week 7

We present you the official CCDL Certificate!