Working with the survey dataset and a guest lecture from Andy Kirk.
S-H-O-W Conference 8 & 9 th of April.
It’s still possible to claim your free ticket, let us know before April 8.
Dataset from survey
Here you can find the (anonymized) dataset form the survey:
If you haven’t filled in the survey, please do!
We will update the set with new answers.
You can use this dataset to do this week’s exercise and to work on your subtopic. If you having trouble with your subtopic and find it hard to collect data, you can choose to work on one of the ready-to-go subtopics we made for you:
Guest lecture
Watch Andy Kirk again! This week he’s lecturing on Editorial Thinking. This is the process of determining which data to use, what to include, what to leave out and what to visualize.
Practice your editorial thinking and data vis skills with this exercise.
Have a look at the data from the survey. What makes you curious? What do you find interesting? Find patterns and correlations.
Make a simple data visualisation (sketch) showing different variables form the survey dataset you find interesting. Try to visualise at least three variables. Post the result in Slack.
Next week
Please update your project documentation page, posting which subtopic you’re working on and the status of your data collection and explorations. Share it in Slack. Next week our international coaches will give you feedback and help you to get a step further.